Compliments, suggestions or complaints


Help us to improve our service by sending us a compliment, suggestion or complaint. Every comment is appreciated and enables us to learn and improve the service we offer to you.


When we do get something right, please tell us. If you would like to compliment our service, staff, or let us know of a positive experience that you have had, we would be grateful for your feedback.  

Suggestions and Complaints

We know that we will not always get things right, or that there might be better ways to do things. 

When you think something has gone wrong, the best thing to do is raise the matter right away and see if we can resolve it. 

When making a complaint, please tell us:

• Your full name and address
• As much as you can about the complaint
• What has gone wrong
• How you would like us to resolve the matter
• Your preferred way of being contacted by us about your complaint (telephone, writing or email)

We aim to give you a response to your complaint within 20 working days. 
If you would like more information about our complaints procedure, it is available here

How to submit your comments

You can telephone us on 0141 302 5858.  

Phone lines operate from 9 am to 5pm Monday - Thursday and

9 am - 4:30 pm on Fridays only.

You can email us: 

You can write to us at: 

First-tier Tribunal for Scotland 
Social Security Chamber
Glasgow Tribunals Centre
Third Floor
20 York Street
G2 8GT

DX 551943 GLASGOW 42

When we can’t help you:

Judicial decisions

If you think that a decision by the Tribunal is incorrect, you may want to appeal against the decision or ask for it to be reviewed.

You cannot use the complaints process to challenge the decision.  You must write to the Tribunal asking for either an appeal or a review.

Judicial conduct

If you have a complaint about the conduct of individual First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Social Security Chamber members, which is not related to the decision taken by them in exercise of their duties, there is a judicial complaints procedure which must be followed. More information is available here

Tolerance Statement

The purpose of Tribunals Operations is to provide administrative support to the Scottish Tribunals. 

Those who wish to access any Scottish Tribunal should expect our administration teams to be respectful, polite and helpful at all times.  We will explain our processes clearly and provide an efficient and effective service.  

In return, we expect our staff to be treated with respect.  Any incident in which an employee is abused or threatened will not be tolerated.  This includes the serious and persistent use of verbal abuse, aggressive tone and/or foul language.
More information can be found in our User Charter, available on each Chamber website.